Student-Centered Learning in Online Courses

Student-centered learning can be traced as far back as the theories of Hayward in 1905, and Dewey in 1956 (O’Sullivan, 2003). Piaget’s (2013) theory on constructivism also provides a foundation because it posits that learners produce knowledge and meaning from experiences, encouraging teachers to function as mentors, coaches, and consultants asking students questions so they can reach those understandings.

Why Enrollment in Online Courses Is Increasing Nationally

Seaman, Allen, & Seaman (2018) concluded in their research that enrollment in face-to-face traditionally taught on-campus courses at higher education institutions continues to decrease and is projected to over the next ten years. As a result, they have investigated why students are choosing online learning and degree programs at an increasing rate (Seaman et al., 2018).

Why Higher Education Benefits from Increasing Online Courses & Degree Programs

Over the last few years, enrollment has continued to dwindle in traditional in-person college courses, but shown a clear increase in online classes (Seaman et al., 2018). As a result, it is important to understand why, in addition to how higher education, students and faculty can benefit from increasing courses in an online modality.

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